February 22, 2025

Deep Dish Bizarro


Happy Friday my beautiful freaks.

Do you remember when you were like seven or eight years old and you woke up and it was THE DAY OF YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! Or maybe if you were like me and your birthday was in November and it was cold outside and so that feeling I’m talking about is more that FIRST DAY OF SUMMER!!!

I woke up in a bed, (not on a train like yesterday) I’m in a beautiful flat in the city of Chicago and tonight there is a special bizarro party being thrown by the best hosts in the whole wide world, Sauda Namir and Michael Allen Rose.

It’s being called, “The summer party of the season, bizarro style! Performances and readings from The Slow Poisoner, Devora Gray, Danger Slater, Michael Allen Rose and more!”

It’s going to be weird.

Now, I know it kinda sounds like I’m bragging and let me assure you, I abso-fucking-lutely am. These are super fun people and I get to hang out with them tonight. But, so do you.

Tonight’s party will be live streamed from 8pm until midnight Central Standard Time at both:



When we go live I will post the performance lineup and exact times to tune in so you don’t miss your favorites. But this feed will be live and uncut so if you’ve got the time, you might get to drunk chat with me later, or hear the amazingly titillating conversations of the literary types.

Now, you might end up watching an hour of some unidentifiable mans groin area as he drunkenly hits on one of the many beautiful ladies in the room, or you might see Danger get drunk and flash the camera (he’s mentioned that it might happen, so you’ve been warned) but you will also see readings, comedy, music, burlesque whatever other crazy shit we come up with.

Sadly, you WON’T being seeing Miss Laura Lee Bahr tonight. But she is doing some really amazing things with her book Haunt, including an audio version and she talks about a few of those things in her interview for Sense of Wonder.  http://sentidodelamaravilla.blogspot.com.es/2016/06/felix-garcia-interviews-laura-lee-bahr.html?m=1

So ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, monkeys and robots, dogs…and cats who are cool, please join me tonight in celebrating the bizarre.


Lisa LeStrange #bizarrofiction #smallpress #chicago